Friday 10 September 2010

Featured Game - Patapon (PSP)

Title: Patapon (PSP)
Format: Sony PSP

A simple rhythm game with basic graphics and addictive gameplay. You control a small group of Patapon warriors, who you move around the screen by beating out a rhythm on the drum they carry. Different rhythms mean they move, defend, attack or summon greater power.

It is a fun game but does require a sense of rhythm which, unfortunately, this reviewer does not possess. Despite that inor problem it is still extremely enjoyable and easy to get hooked.

Overall this is a simple yet extremely addictive game, and one you will find yourself tapping along to, hoping that the little creatures you control can make it to the end of the level without missing a beat.

It also has a sequel, Patapon 2, for gamers who couldn;t get enough the first time round.

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